What is conversion rate?

A conversion rate basically is the percentage of your audience that completes the desired action out of your total audience.


Women's Hygiene3%

Here are some of the steps you can implement to increase your conversion rate -

1. Related/ Recommended Products - One of the best ways to upsell or cross-sell to customers is to display related products on your product pages so that users explore more. Product recommendations are responsible for an average of 10-30% of eCommerce site revenues since the more products a user sees the more purchases happen.

2. Website Speed - One of the key metrics which impacts the performance of a campaign is the ratio of landing page views to link clicksIf we see this metric to be as low as 60-65% it means the website speed is slow. The same can be improved by visiting google page speed insights to check the mobile/ desktop performance of your website and implementing recommendations like reducing the size of images or removing certain scripts etc. to improve page speed.

3. Product Page - This is one of the most important pages since this where the traffic from the website landsSome of the best practices to follow here are that the product page should contain the product name, size chart, description, Addtocart button etc. which can increase the conversions.

4. Avoid external links -  Avoid having extra links like About us, Home, Products, Menu etc on the checkout page. The only option that the user should be seeing is to initiate a checkout or close browser. Also, avoid social icons like Facebook, Instagram icons bounce people off the website and back to social platforms. 

5. Enable COD option - Avoid showcasing any extra COD/ Shipping charges on the product page as this deters the user from adding to the cart. Consider including these additional charges in the product price instead, as 75% of sales on most Indian e-commerce websites come via COD orders. 

6. Customer Reviews - Review section to be kept small and after the recommended products section. Show more than 1-5 reviews of a product and not less as this may indicate that this is a new product or a new website or a relatively low performing product. In such cases, reviews should be avoided altogether. Alternatively, an effort to be made to collect reviews from customers via email or other channels and then update on the website.

7. Include Guest checkout option - Enabling guest check out option on the website allows users to sign out directly without signing up for purchase. Typically we have seen that conversion rate improves by 25% by providing guest checkout options. 

8. Mobile-Optimized website - Ensure that website is mobile compatible which means it works across different devices since 80% of the traffic coming on Socia Media is from mobile. Keep add to cart as a sticky button on the mobile view. Avoid pop-ups/ lengthy product descriptions which make the user scroll a lot to perform a specific action.


You can check your website speed for Mobile/ Desktop here.