Ad Relevance Diagnostics consider 3 metrics to determine the Ad’s Relevance - 

  1. Quality Ranking

  2. Engagement Rate Ranking

  3. Conversion Rate Ranking

Quality Ranking

A ranking of your ad's perceived quality. Quality is measured using feedback* on your ads and the post-click experience. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience. This ranking reflects your ad's relative performance in the ad auction. Following are the ratings - 

  • Above average

  • Average

  • Below average (bottom 35% of ads)

  • Below average (bottom 20% of ads)

  • Below average (bottom 10% of ads)

*Feedback includes the number of times that your ad was hidden and assessments of clickbait, engagement bait and other negative experiences.

Engagement Rate Ranking

A ranking of your ad's expected engagement rate. Engagement includes all clicks, likes, comments, and shares. Your ad is ranked against ads that competed for the same audience. The expected engagement rate calculates the likelihood that a person will click, react to, comment on, share or expand an ad.

Note that engagement-baiting, such as asking for likes and comments, does not improve your ad's performance.

Following are the ratings - 

  • Above average

  • Average

  • Below average (bottom 35% of ads)

  • Below average (bottom 20% of ads)

  • Below average (bottom 10% of ads)

Conversion Rate Ranking 

A ranking of your ad's expected conversion rate. Your ad is ranked against ads with your optimization goal that competed for the same audience. If your ads are not meeting your advertising objectives, use conversion rate ranking with quality ranking and engagement rate ranking to identify how you could improve results. 

Note that some products and services naturally have lower conversion rates than others competing for the same audience.


Quality ranking

Engagement rate ranking

Conversion rate ranking

Ad relevance diagnostics



Average or above

Average or above

Average or above

You're all good!

Optimise for your advertising objective.

Below average



The ad is perceived as low quality.

Improve the quality of your creative assets or target an audience more likely to perceive the ad as high quality. Avoid low-quality attributes from your creative.

Average or above

Average or above

Below average

The ad isn't producing conversions.

Improve the call to action of your ad or post-click experience, or target a higher-intent audience. Some products and services naturally exhibit lower conversion rates than others. If your conversions meet your expectations, you may not need to adjust your ad.

Average or above

Below average

Average or above

This ad isn't spurring interest.

Improve your ad's relevance to your audience (for example, by making it more engaging, interesting or eye-catching) or target an audience more likely to interact with this ad.

Below average

Average or above

Average or above

The ad is perceived as low quality.

Improve the quality of your creative assets or target an audience more likely to perceive the ad as high quality. Avoid low-quality attributes from your creative.

Average or above

Below average

Below average

The ad isn't spurring interest or producing conversions.

Improve both the ad's relevance to your audience (for example, by making it more eye-engaging, interesting or eye-catching) and the call to action of your ad or post-click experience. Alternatively, target an audience more likely to interact with and convert from your ad.

Below average

Below average

Average or above

This ad is perceived as low quality and isn't spurring interest.

Improve the quality of your creative assets while also making it more relevant to your audience (for example, by making it more engaging, interesting or eye-catching). Alternatively, target an audience more likely to perceive the ad as high quality and relevant. Avoid low-quality attributes from your creative.

Below average

Average or above

Below average

This ad is click-baity or controversial.

Adjust your ad to more clearly represent the product or service you are advertising. Some products and services naturally exhibit lower conversion rates than others. Avoid low-quality attributes from your creative.

Below average

Below average

Below average

There's room for improvement across the board.

Try testing different targeting strategies, creative, optimisation goals, post-click experiences and so on.