
What is NonBrand Search?

  • NonBrand Search essentially helps in targeting people searching for competitor brands or generic search terms. 
  • It is an interesting way of reaching people with high purchase-intent, who have probably not already heard of them. It helps in targeting very specific keywords and search terms.

What is Dynamic Search?

  • A Dynamic Search campaign is one where Google crawls the website based on the given conditions and URLs, and creates headlines and landing page links where traffic is to be directed, as well as keywords to be targeted. 
  • Also, essentially in DSA, Google matches users’ queries to the type of product on your site or feed, and shows a dynamically generated, tailored ad. These types of ads are a great way to show dynamic content to interested search users.


How is Dynamic Search preferable to NonBrand Search?

DifferenceNonBrand SearchDynamic Search
Optimization of Headlines and URLs Here, headlines and final URLs (product pages) are relatively static and manually set. Thus, they cannot adapt rapidly to what customers search for on Google.On the other hand, in Dynamic Search headlines and final URLs are created/ selected by Google’s algorithm, and are thus more customized.
Keyword targetingWe set and target specific keywords that may or may not drive decent results for the brand.In Dynamic Search, Google crawls the webpages by picking terms to be targeted. This increases the number and quality of purchase-intent keywords.
Catalog vs Individual URLsHere, we send people who click on the keywords to individual URLs that we select, where the probability of a sale is low.Here, the product page URLs are selected based on the customer (customization available) and are thus far more likely to lead to sales.

Thus, this concludes the explanation of why Dynamic Search campaigns are preferable to NonBrand Search campaigns.